Urkesh (Version 2)

Beta release



Section editors

Giorgio Buccellati – February 2003

Besides the work done by the main authors, various other contributors have written pages or provided graphics (photographs and drawings) for the Urkesh website: they are listed below with an indication of their area of concentration. Full references to the individual pages where their work appears are found in the indices. Publications by members of the staff are listed separately in the Bibliography.

Note that this list includes only the names of those whose work is directly represented in the website. Staff members who have otherwise contributed to the excavation are listed separately in the section about the staff. There, one will also find more details about the seasons when the contributors have been active in the field.

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M. Kelly-Buccellati has written the major sections dealing with the objects.

Sophie Bonetti has written the major portions dealing with conservation and restoration.

Rick Hauser has written the portions dealing with animal figurines.

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Marco De Pietri (University of Pavia) has contributed with several Abstracts for the “E-Library”.

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The most imoprtant component of the Urkesh website is the Urkesh Global Record, which includes a number of different digital books corresponding to single excavation units.

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Giuseppe Gallacci has been the main photographer for objects and special field conditions (such as kite and overhead photography).

Ong Kar Khalsa has helped establish the recording system for digital photography, and has taken field photographs.

Mary Stancavage has taken photographs of objects being registered for the Museum.

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Fonda Portales is our current drafting supervisor and concentrates on glyptic.

Claudia Wettstein has specialized in the drawing of animal figurines and architecture.

Pietro Pozzi has produced the finer renderings of the most important objects, in particular glyptic.

Cecily Hilsdale has produced the bulk of the drawings of the seal impressions from the service wing AK.

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